Sunday, August 17, 2014

New School Year

Last Wednesday we started school. I have a wonderful class of 20 energetic 3rd graders. Last summer I put a lot of time into my classroom. I painted the walls yellow and the cabinets blue. This year I only have a few projects to do to be ready for kiddos.

I wanted to create a first day of school picture frame and update my class rules poster. The kiddos first day of school pictures turned out soooo cute!

I attached the sign with a Velcro square. I made two more signs one for the 100th day and the last day of school. Now I can use the picture frame three times each year and just switch out the sign.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Chicken Pen Organization

This weekend I decided the chicken pen needed some love. I recently found a plastic black shelf on sale and I had some extra plastic containers. The spider webs had gone crazy in the chicken coop. I took everything out of the pen and swept it out. Then I brought the shelf in and organized all my goodies. I am very excited to have a spot for everything now.

 I had some metal signs and hung them up. They look very cute on the door into the coop.

The last update to the coop was a cute metal weather vane. I found it at an antique store in town. I had been waiting for a nice day to climb up on the ladder and hang it up.

I am headed back to work tomorrow and am planning on spending the next few days getting my classroom in order. Students come back on Wednesday. I can't believe the summer is over but am thankful for all the time I had off and proud of the projects I completed.


New Roomates

Recently two of my Barred Rock Chickens had started picking on the other chickens. I tried various strategies to help everyone get along. Nothing seemed to work. So today the two "grumpy" hens moved in with Stella and Dot.

Chickens and Goats get along very well as long as you set their pens up correctly. The hens need their own water source and the goats do as well. I do not leave free range food out for the hens. They are fed the same time as the goats. The hens also need a safe place to lay their eggs.

I am excited to have the chickens and goats together and enjoy watching them interact with each other.



I love this time of year!

Down the road from us there is the best place to find blackberries. We went and picked some this week. We were lucky to find a bunch that were ready to pick. While walking around we saw a few deer too.

I used the blackberries as snack in our lunches, ice cream toppings and even made blackberry butter for french toast. Yum!
