Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year!

The past few days I have been busy catching up on as much as I can before I go back to school on Monday. Each day this week we have been working calves which is a blast but hard work. It has been very cold this week and each morning there has been frost. Each day we wouldn't start working calves until around 10 am. when it was a little warmer. This gave me time each morning to work on a project or two around the house.
This morning there was a beautiful sunrise and  you can see some of the frost still on the grass.

Last week I made a picture holder out of a few supplies I had around the house. I had a piece of barn wood and three clothes pins. I painted the clothes pins white and hot glued them onto the board. I have been wanting to make a chalk board for a while. I finally gave up and bought one from a friend who makes them. 

On New Years Eve we were so tired from working all day. I ended up making chili and we stayed home and put Christmas away. The next day I was ready to decorate for the next holiday. I hung up my Valentine's Day decor even if it is a little early.

I had a wonderful two weeks off and and am looking forward to all the wonderful things 2015 has in store for us!
