Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I love Fall! My yard finally starts looking wonderful after all the work I put into it over the summer. The trees all start turning colors. We have been very busy around here with planting hay. This year we are planting wheat, oats and alfalfa. The weather has been unusually warm. We have only had a few days of rain and today it was in the 70's. The first field we planted at our house has started growing. It is always exciting when the grain starts coming up.

The roses in my yard have beautiful flowers on them right now. I have been enjoying the last few blooms before it get too cold for them.

I have two pomegranate trees. This year we have been able to pick a few. Our neighbor has pomegranate trees that are very large. I was able to trade her some eggs for a gallon of pomegranate juice. I put it in the freezer and plan on making jelly for Christmas.

When I was walking around the yard I spotted some paper whites coming up. It is a little early for them to come up but I will enjoy them while they are here.

Tomorrow they are calling for rain so I am glad I had the time today to enjoy my yard before winter hits.


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