Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Winter Garden Update

There was no school today so I was able to spend the day working in my garden. When I planted the garden I planted two types of lettuce. The lettuce in the center row was a mix of varieties. It has done well. We have been using is for the past few weeks in salads. The left side was romaine lettuce. It hasn't done as well. I don't think ill try romaine next year.

I planted this mint in July and it is taking over. It smells wonderful.

The kale is doing well and keep growing.

The romaine lettuce is growing very slowly. we will see what happens with it over the next few weeks.

Carrots are doing well and have a few more weeks.

The weekend I planted the garden I also brought in some herb cuttings. The all have produced roots and I plan on planting them next weekend. I also added some mint cuttings to group.
basil cutting has roots

rosemary cutting has roots

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