Wednesday, June 25, 2014

How to Grow a Successful Garden

This spring I moved my garden to our backyard. Last year my garden was out by the road and I didn't feel the location was ideal. It was also difficult to water that far from the house. I love the new location for my garden. It is easy to access and water. I also feel that being located near the chickens is a win, win situation.

Over the years I have developed five easy steps for growing a successful garden.
  1. Location, location, location: I have moved my garden three times now and feel I finally have the correct spot. Sun exposure is very important. Once you decide what you plan on growing pick a spot that will be the best for your crop.
  2. Raised beds: My first garden was planted directly in the soil. For two years I would till up the ground each spring. I found that the weeds, insects, critters and my back fought me those two years. Raised beds are wonderful.
  3. Soil: This year my class of 3rd graders did a science experiment on soil conditions. We grew bean seeds in five different soil types. They were amazed by the results. What we found was the loam soil in our area mixed with cow manure gave the best results. Each year I replenish my beds with a few bags of soil and mostly cow manure. I am lucky that we raise Red Angus cows and have ample amounts of manure. 
  4. Water: Plain and simple plants need water. I set up a drip system that comes on each morning. Having an automatic system saves times and water.
  5. Size: Grow what you can eat. Originally we had four raised beds. The reason we cut back to three beds was due to the fact that a family of two can only eat so much squash and zucchini a day. when you grow too much you can become overwhelmed.
The Garden in May

The Garden in June

I love gardening and am excited to see what it will produce this summer!

Happy Gardening!


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