Monday, June 23, 2014

My Kids!

A few months ago I acquired two goats. Stella and Dot are Pygmy Goats and they are best friends. I joke with my friends that I have two kids now. I enjoy spending time with them each day. I bring them out in the yard and they love to run around and play. When we built our chicken coop we used the bottom of the shed as their house. They love to go inside and run around. They love the sound of their hooves on the wooded floor. 

When I was younger I had a Pygmy Goat named Star. I showed her for 4-H and had a blast raising her. Overall goats are fairly simple animals to raise. They need food, water, shelter and a companion. I would not recommend having only one goat. Stella and Dot are always together. Occasionally one will stray away from the other and the moment they realize they are apart they let me know with a loud cry and I quickly have to reacquaint them. 




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