Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Plum Preserves

Over the past five years I have been working on planting fruit trees around our property. I am now up to 35 trees and feel I must stop or one day I may have to open a fruit stand. Some of the trees are very large now and are producing a lot of fruit. My Santa Rosa plum has just become ready and has a good amount of fruit on it. I had a recipe given to me from a friend and thought I should try it.

Plum Preserves
 (makes 5 half pint jars)

What you need:
5 cups of plums halved and pitted
1 cup of water
4 cups of sugar
large deep pan
canning jars and canning items

Step 1: Collect and wash plums. I needed two strainers to make 5 cups

Step 2: Cut plums in half and remove pit.

Step 3: Add plums, sugar, water and mix together. Cook on medium heat until you reach a boil.
Once you have reached a boil turn it up a bit and constantly stir. I boiled the mixture for about 20 minutes. You can tell it is ready when you spoon some of the mixture on a spoon and it has a thick jell texture.

Step 4: Remove mixture from heat and put into canning jars. Clean the jar rims and attach the lids. During the process the lids and jars need to be prepared by simmering in hot water. Place jars in a large pot with canning rack with boiling water for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes turn off the heat and let them rest. Then remove them and leave them on your counter. Soon you should hear a pop from the lid.

Step 5: Later in the day check to make sure the lids have sealed. If they haven't simply put it in the refrigerator and use it up.

Happy Canning!

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